The East is Read offers frequent briefings on China drawing mostly from Chinese mainland sources. It is hosted at the Center for China and Globalization (CCG), a leading non-government thinktank in Beijing that takes no position on issues raised in the newsletter.

Founded and led by Henry Huiyao Wang and Mable Lu Miao, CCG has been granted the official special consultative status by the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC) as a “non-governmental organization.” In the 2020 Global Go To Think Tank Index by the University of Pennsylvania Think Tank and Civil Society Program (TTCSP), CCG ranked among the top think tanks worldwide and the top 50 “best independent think tanks,” rivaling China’s state think tanks. CCG has been recognized as a “4A non-governmental organization” by Beijing Municipal Government Civil Affairs Department.

You are also welcome to check out Pekingnology and CCG Update.

Zichen Wang is the Editor of these newsletters.

Yuxuan Jia is the Associate Editor of The East is Read since July 2023.


You are also welcome to get in touch for bespoke advice and research.

Subscribe to The East is Read

A newsletter about China.


Research Associate at Center for China and Globalization (CCG)
Bachelor in International Studies, International Relations & Diplomacy at The Ohio State University. Intern at Center for China and Globalization
Diplomacy, Japanese Language student @ China Foreign Affairs University | International Communications and Research Intern @ CCG
He/him. Major in Interpreting at University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Contributor to Pekingnology, Ginger River Review and The East is Read. From S to N (Fujian, Hubei, Beijing), and beyond.
Research Fellow & Director for Int'l Comms at Center for China and Globalization (CCG), after 11 years at Xinhua News Agency. Founder & Editor: Pekingnology & The East is Read. Salzburg Global Fellow (2024-).
Intern at CCG, hoping to grasp the up and down and sparkling spots through the turbulent but promising world with diversity and inclusivity. Welcome to my channel. Come and join me and be my guests. we can make a difference together.
Frequent China briefings from the Center for China and Globalization (CCG), a leading non-governmental think tank in Beijing.